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Easter Magic

In a few days it will have been three years since I ruined Easter. I also learned I had cancer from a trip to the ER. Yet what was more important to me on that day, was that I ruined Easter for my family.

Our plans weren't going to be anything eggstravagant. We were just going to do deli style sandwiches for lunch and the traditional plastic egg hiding. But for me there was a burden that the togetherness of family was being interrupted. And too, I just know that those sandwiches would have been the best I'd ever had. I still think about them.

Easter memories from my kid days are big and the basis for how it's supposed to be. Like the aroma of vinegar and hard boiled eggs, the not-so-tasty-disappointing-because-they're-hollow-chocolate bunnies, the shiny new shoes I had to wear and the gathering of family to have baked ham and potato salad. More importantly I recall the sunrise services, the images in my child's mind and magic that the day is all about. It's one of those holidays that is worthy of celebrating.

I experienced some magic of my own during those days a few years ago. Some day maybe I'll share it in detail. It's the kind of magic that makes you want to celebrate the good things, surround yourself with those you love and do more of what makes yourself happy. It's the kind of magic that makes you believe in magic.

Tomorrow our family will get together. We'll eat ham and potato salad, hide some significantly unusual eggs, eat some solid chocolate things and I won't be wearing any shoes. It's going to be magical.

(photo: commissioned art i did from earlier this year)

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