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Borthick's Store

I guess I must spend a fair amount of time reminiscing about my childhood because I always seem to have a little something from those days on my mind! Maybe I drift off there so often because it was such a simpler time. Not only was it less complicated because I was young but because life wasn’t all about speed, convenience and technology.

Just recently I took advantage of social media technology and connected with a neighboring family member from my childhood. I contacted him in hopes that he wouldn’t think I was a whacko for asking for family photographs from years gone by. I am beyond thankful to him for what he shared!

All of my children can say that they know where Borthick’s store is. Nearly each time over the years as we would pass the old rock building on Garnett Road, I would say ‘there’s Borthicks store’. Each time I would tell them that I would recall to myself being a young girl and what a treat it was to go in there! I can remember during the summers when my brother and I would beg mom to let us walk to Borthicks. Occasionally she would give us some change and off we would go.

Like most things now, it seemed like it was such a long way to get there yet in reality it isn’t. We were given our instructions to stay off the busy road and for my brother to walk on the outside of me, nearest the traffic. I remember the store was always very dark and cool even on a hot summer day. I would always know if Dad had stopped by there on his way home from work because he would have, in his overall pockets, a handful of banana bikes. And I believe Borthick’s store is where I experienced my first ever, and still my favorite, Cherry Mash!

The other day I contacted one of the Mr. Borthicks that I had seen on a friend’s facebook post. I didn’t know if he would know who I was but mostly I was hoping he wouldn’t think I was nuts. Instead he seemed pleased to oblige and within a day or so he graciously sent me some photographs of their old family store. In our corresponding I had asked him if he knew if maybe my dad had helped build the old store? At first he said he didn’t think so as he recalled coming home from school and him along with his brother having to mix the concrete. He added that the store just had a dirt floor in it for a while after they opened the store for business. And when they poured the floor they just had to do a section at a time. Wonderful memories!

Then, he made my day even better with this later reply…

“You know Terri, your dad did help us on the building. I’m for sure he was the one that showed dad how to lay the rock and how the cement should be mixed. I know when we were putting the shingles on the roof he would stop by after work and help us. He would take two bundles of shingles at a time and run up the ladder and I thought how in the world can he do that? He also helped me at my house lay cement blocks. I asked him one time what all he could lay and he told me he lay anything but eggs . He was a great guy and all the Borthicks loved him dearly.”

I love it.

I am so very thankful to Mr. Borthick for sharing his photos and stories. I am sure without the science of today I wouldn't have connected with these treasures from my yesterday.

So here’s to sweet old memories, technology and Cherry Mashes!!


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